Updates in OriginalCommunity

Make opinions.

screw you and your fancy windows 11 and your fancy aseprite and your fancy shift+o outline

(sans sprite v7)

Sorry for being 3 hours late, I thought GameJolt would automatically publish the package when it was scheduled to release...

But that aside, enjoy the demo!

12:00 PM, EST.

if you guys complain about this, just remember: you voted for this

but srsly complain and ill strangle all of you

My dumb ass forgot to attach the poll for last post, pick one mode to be released with the first version of LIMELIGHT

  14 votes Voting finished

Happy 1 month anniversary! (PREVIEW, SPOILER WARNING)

BIG UPDATE! (A new official battle sprite!)


idk about you but i think bot might be throwing a little tantrum

Main battle's nearly complete!!! (Devlog no.3)

  13 votes Voting finished